Copulation causes population
stan livedeath
JoinedPosts by stan livedeath
by JimmyYoung ini am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue.
that its a myth the idea of overpopulation.
i was listening to a talk radio speaker ben shapiro i like to as i work through the day.
Vehicle manufacturers are ripping off UK drivers!
by The Fall Guy invast numbers of vehicles sold in britain are sub-standard quality.
so many vehicle's indicators/turn signals only function when the steering wheel is turned to exit a motorway, overtake other vehicles, or to turn right or left at junctions.
more often than not, they just don't work at all!
stan livedeath
Look..its my car..and i will go where i want to..ok?
Vehicle manufacturers are ripping off UK drivers!
by The Fall Guy invast numbers of vehicles sold in britain are sub-standard quality.
so many vehicle's indicators/turn signals only function when the steering wheel is turned to exit a motorway, overtake other vehicles, or to turn right or left at junctions.
more often than not, they just don't work at all!
stan livedeath
Indicators ?
De Niro Wants To See A Bag of Sh*t On Trump’s Face
by minimus inhas this guy lost it?
who thinks like that?.
stan livedeath
I liked de niro in once uppn a time in America. It took a few viewings before i really got the plot. Not been on the Box for years in the UK
If You Had The Choice To Live Anywhere In The World or Any State Where Would You Be?
by minimus ini do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
stan livedeath
Earier @Rubadub mentioned house insurance...6000 a year! I had to laugh.
Here in the Uk..last year i went with a different save about 50% on i paid £60....for the year!
Advance a few months..and i discovered we had a problem...water under the flooring on the ground floor.
A phone call next morning to the insurance company...they sent their assessor..and a leak detecting specialist.
Turns out the fground floor shower waste had been leaking..and the water was trapped between the concrete subfloor and the hardwood floor covering. The whole ground floor had to come up. Slow forward a few weeks..and the insurer promptly settled the claim...£17500.! All for thst £60 premium.
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
stan livedeath
Reading all this strikes me there were far more partakers than those decreasing numbers back in the 60's suggest.
Divorce/Terms of Agreement
by SFSDGUY ini'm a first time poster and i apologize if this topic has been discussed before.
when i met my wife she was disfellowshiped and were happy, got married, and had a kid.
after we had our daughter she got reinstated so her family and her jw "friends" could spend time with our daughter.
stan livedeath
The only ones coming out ahead will be the lawyers. My d/f son has burned far..on legal costs to try to retain contact with his no avail. Lots of ex wives use the cult as a means to keep the kids and screw their ex husbands.
Pray before sex just like you do for food-W62 3/15
by krismalone inthe governing body has lovingly provided instructions and reminders to couples that they should pray before having sex.
please be obedient and follow the wise counsel from the gb leaders who never stick their noses into other peoples business and are not creepy cult leaders at all....not!.
"had he not created the first human pair so that they could cohabit, planted in them an attraction for each other and then commanded them to "be fruitful and become many"?
stan livedeath
My wife used to require me to pray out loud before we went to sleep. Just like the child she really was.
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
stan livedeath
The first remnant i knew was a sweet old lady the early 60's. We had the tuesday group at her house in Handsworth Birmingham UK. Her house smelt of cat piss and cooked cabbage. Or maybe it was her?
In my late teens i was at West Bromwch..2 congs shared the same old ruin of a rented hall. The cong servant of the other cong was a remnant. Nice old chap. The magazines for both congs were dropped off at his house . i was mag / territory servant so i used to collect ours from his house. That also smelled of cat piss and cabbage
His son had been a mill hill bethel boy..but went apostate bigtime. He wrote an article denouncing the watchtower and it was published in the local weekly rag. I wonder if he reads this site ..Brian ?
But the best was in our own cong. An occasional attendee started partaking one year. It caused a real upset. Lets call him Tony..because that was his name. Tony refrained from working for a living on account of some mystery fashionable illness, so spent his time impregnating his wife. At the time they had 6 young kids.His wife attended more than he did..usually with some of the offspring in tow.
One of my pals came out with the line.." he may be going to heaven...but he will be leaving a great crowd on earth"
Email from JW relative/elder
by Lynnie inas much as i enjoy you and pete's company, you also know our understanding of how much we want you to be reunited with jehovah and his people.. .
we did not set the standards for what jehovah says about our associations with those who choose to not serve him.
so we will always be there for you and pete, but it is in your hands as to how we can enjoy your friendship.. .
stan livedeath
Are you fully aware this is an apostate site..most members are mentally diseased apostates...and you shouldnt even be visiting here?